sâmbătă, 27 august 2011


Do you want happiness /b/? Do you want the secret I have used for years just to cope? It is very simple. Be happy.
Cute girl isn’t interested? Be happy. Cat died? Be happy. Fail exam? Be happy. Just be happy. No matter what happens, tell yourself that. Be happy be happy be happy. Smile as you spend another night alone, when you see the one girl who might have made you happy in someone else’s arms. Against their lips. Smile.
The mind is quite a powerful thing and if you keep this up long enough soon you will truly convince yourself that you’re happy. You can go to and from school or work or college and no matter what happened that day, you’ll still be happy. Only in the early hours of morning will the reality of it start to sink in, but you can just ignore this. And who’s around to see your facade fail at two in the morning? No one, because God forbid they see the sad, self loathing person you are behind the mask. No, mask is not the right word.
Because it is not just a mask of a smile that you keep up, any one could do that. What this ‘mind over body’ stuff does is create true happiness, so long as you don’t think about it. You can go about your day and be genuinely happy, with this new cheery demeanour you can have friends again, and maybe there’ll even be a girl who starts to show interest. You’re actually happy. Until you are home of course, at two in the morning, with no friends or cute girl to keep your mind off itself. That is when you start to remember how sad you are. You have time to think about everything in your life, and you remember why you shouldn’t be happy. But of course the next morning comes with a whole new set of distractions and you can feel happy again.

It’s two in the morning /b/, and I feel like dying.

marți, 23 august 2011


Forever alone

Science cat

True ?

"Can't even talk to stoners anymore, they're very immature and lacking intelligence because constant exposure to THC has impaired their emotional growth. They did not experience things naturally and thus failed to develop the required coping mechanisms. WEED becomes their coping mechanism. Much like a religious person who insists "religion can do no harm" no matter what anyone says a stoner will always insist "weed can do no harm".

You will come to realize that the vast population of stoners are losers. Everyone on your Facebook that talks about smoking bowls and saying they're high, every one of them is a loser whose life revolves around that deadbeat culture. If you weren't so nice you'd tell them to stfu with that bullshit, cause no one gives a fuck, at least anyone with a life.

Anyone that talks about smoking weed, or naming their pipe or saying anything about that publicly is a fucking loser at life. They idolize an inanimate object. How cool is that? They drew weed plants in their notebook at school or use one as a desktop wallpaper. Their rooms are decorated with bob marley and UV posters. They never shut the fuck up about their new bong and/or pipe.

I may drink, but whenever I drink, I drink to get drunk. But I rarely drink, and when I do I don't go around telling everyone like it's the greatest fucking thing ever and every single person on earth should do it. I don't draw bottles, I don't endlessly glorify it. Grow the fuck up loser."



The difference

3D hot ass